OPS Incentive Program News – June 2017


Being part of CGRS’ inner network means that you’ll be the first to hear about what’s currently trending at CGRS. Our newly released newsletter will highlight our focus here at CGRS, and what we do every day – provide customized solutions to our clients. We want to share how we are working with other clients to solve problems, showcase recent projects, and offer inspiration for your own unique needs.

Take Advantage of the Colorado Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS) Incentive Program by Testing Containments in 2017!

Effective January 2017, new Colorado UST Regulations require initial testing of single wall secondary containment systems to be completed by 2020, and every three years thereafter. To encourage owners and operators to implement these changes sooner, OPS is offering storage tank owners/operators the opportunity to significantly reduce or remove the $10,000 Petroleum Storage Tank Fund deductible.

While the program may seem complex, it offers significant  rewards for adopting the necessary changes before the deadline. The sooner you start the process, the better the reward. With over 25 years of experience in spill bucket testing, repairs and replacement, we understand the complexities of the program and can help guide you through the entire process. Call us today to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you take advantage of the incentive!