Project Profile: Lincoln Chevron Express Mart

Lincoln, California

How long does it take to repair a turbine sump? If you’re CGRS’s California Compliance team, it normally takes three days.

Yes, three days.

A turbine sump at the Lincoln Chevron Express Mart in Lincoln, California, failed SB989 testing performed by another contractor in late February. That contractor had attempted several times to fix the penetration fittings with Bostik-like glue, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

During a CUPA (Certified Unified Program Agencies) inspection of his fueling system, the owner said he was having trouble finding someone who could make the needed repairs; the inspector suggested he call the experts at CGRS.

Two of CGRS’s team members removed the glue sealant and installed Bravo F Series Penetration Fittings in the turbine sump. The F-Series line of all-fiberglass entry fittings have a bonded fitting without common points of failure such as nuts, bolts, gaskets, clamps, boots, mechanical seals and sealants. They not only significantly reduce the maintenance cost of a fuel system, but protect the environment from contamination and eliminate the chance of water intrusion – thus meeting CGRS’s high standards for solutions.

Call a CGRS Expert:

Matt Thomas
California Construction/
Compliance Manager
Mobile: 626.627.8316

Once CGRS completed the repairs, the CUPA inspector witnessed CGRS’s retest of the turbine sump and cleared the fueling system for operations immediately. The customer requested CGRS take care of other unrelated issues, which our team also completed within the three-day timeframe – the average time it takes the CGRS California team to repair a turbine sump without the need to return for additional maintenance and expenses.

The gas station remained open for business throughout the repairs, and the owner asked CGRS to return to perform the annual testing of his fueling system. CGRS performed the annual test on March 15 and identified other system failures, for which CGRS is submitting proposals for repairs and compliance retesting.

Lincoln Chevron Express Mart will soon have its fueling system in working order, and CGRS has earned another loyal customer.